What is Tay5G
Tay5G is funding opportunities to try out diverse applications over 5G - fifth generation mobile communications. 5G can be used for diverse sectors from entertainment to manufacturing, healthcare to construction, fashion to automated transport.
5G is especially great for enabling advanced communications like virtual reality, automation and the Internet of Things that is a key tool for Smart Cities, places, buildings and business, industrial and welfare operations.
To find out more or get involved please contact the Tay5G team - email tay5g@dundeecity.gov.uk or call +44 (0)1382 432483.
For more information and support please take a look at the Scotland 5G Centre.
Projects awarded funding under the first Tay5G Challenge Fund have almost completed.
We have now launched Tay5G Challenge Fund 2 - find out more.

Tay5G - a Tay Cities Region Deal project
The project is part of Tay Cities Region Deal that takes in the Council areas of Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth & Kinross. It is funded by the Scottish and UK Governments and is supporting use case trials for all kinds of sectors that reflect regional strengths and priorities.
The idea is that by encouraging and supporting engagement with 5G, it's easier to understand what it offers. In turn, this helps to generate demand. So that telecoms companies respond with faster commercial roll-out.
We are working with partners and stakeholders including the Scottish Futures Trust, the Scotland 5G Centre and regional Councils, Universities – Abertay, Dundee and St. Andrews and colleges – Dundee & Angus, Fife and Perth UHI.

Planned Outcomes
The project aims to deliver outcomes including:
- Use of Tay Cities Deal investment to lever business relationships of great value to regional strategic aims, reputation and inward investment.
- Working with key regional stakeholders to develop use case trials to deliver new products, processes or services, showcasing the benefits of 5G.
- Delivery of a challenge fund that will also help companies, innovators and research organisations to unlock further funding for more development.
- Stimulating creation of jobs attributable to 5G and the wider creative, digital, technology ecosystem exploiting 5G – according to a Deloitte report 5G will generate between 60,000 and 160,000 across Scotland.
- Economic growth through attracting companies that can benefit from regional expertise and knowledge and 5G research network resources - the same Deloitte report predicts additional GDP for Scotland of between £6bn and £17bn.
- Sustainable business growth through companies developing, testing and accelerating delivery of products, applications and innovation.
- Growth of talent pool through attraction of skills and engagement with skills development to respond to the opportunities arising from 5G, 5G supply chain and 5G enabled sectors and evidence to support skills development facilities (such as at MSIP).
Inclusive Growth - The 5G Effect: Jobs, Skills, Business
Diverse & Inclusive
Inclusive Growth is a key focus across jobs, skills and business for individuals and SMEs. We welcome collaboration and discussion with a wide range of organisations across Scotland and the UK to raise awareness of opportunities and benefits for diverse client groups and networks. Later in the year, we are looking to do an online session to explore this further.
This is generating growing need for skills and services across telecoms, creative, digital and technology and diverse sectors like fashion, energy, entertainment, construction, connected communities, agriculture and healthcare. These offer significant scope for public and private sectors to embrace diversity, inclusivity and equality.
5G connectivity and applications for many sectors need diverse skills and services to support service delivery, training, marketing, R&D, manufacturing, media production and more.
The emergence of fifth-generation mobile communication technology, 5G, is revolutionising industrial, public service and commercial landscapes, presenting unparalleled opportunities. As deployment progresses, the potential for a faster, high-capacity, and low-latency wireless connection opens the door to transformative applications for service delivery, marketing, training, manufacturing and media production.
This is generating growing need for skills and services across telecoms, creative, digital and technology and diverse sectors like fashion, energy, entertainment, construction, connected communities, agriculture and healthcare. These offer significant scope for public and private sectors to embrace diversity, inclusivity and equality.
We invite you to take a look at more about 5G and just some of the jobs, skills and business opportunities. Going forward we will highlight findings on approaches to development including collaboration by SMEs.