A networking breakfast for the launch of the Tay Cities Deal Digital Skills Project led by Fife Council.
Head along on Tue Nov 07, 2023 at 10:00 AM GMT for the launch of the Tay Cities Region Deal: Digital Skills Project. This in-person event is your chance to delve into the world of digital skills and discuss how we can work collaboratively across business, education, the third and public sector to meet the skills needs for the region.
About the Digital Skills Project:
The Tay Cities Digital Skills Project is part of the £20 million, Regional Skills and Employability Development Programme, funded by the Scottish Government. Approved in December 2022 and commencing in April 2023 the Digital Skills Project was awarded over £1.5m of government funding, over a 3 year period to support regional economic growth and the digital labour market throughout Angus, Dundee, North East Fife and Perth & Kinross.
More information on Tay Cities Deal Regional Skills Investment.